Tab Epipreg 6

Tab Epipreg 6

Ayurveda states that in the 6th month of a pregnancy, development of the brain of the fetus takes place predominantly. Also there is a risk of hypertension as well as occurrence of oedema. Hence formulation of the Epipreg 6 is designed in such a way so as to take care of mother's health and fulfilment of the demand of the fetus.


1) Protects pregnancy by its smooth muscle relaxant action.

2) Controls hypertension and oedema as drug added in this such as Gokshur is antihypertensive and diuretic

3) Provides nutrition as it contains ample amount of Vit A, Vit C , Iron, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium and Phosphorus.

4) Controls vitiation of vaata dosha and ultimately prevents early loss of a pregnancy.

5) Demand of calcium is more from this month and Epipreg 6 contains Shigru which is a rich source of natural calcium.


1 tablet twice a day preferably with milk Or as directed by physician.

Packing 60 Tablets

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